Sun, 3rd November 2024
Berkhamsted Town Hall
196 High Street
Berkhamsted HP4 3AP
from 10.00AM – 7.00PM


Comedy Improv Workshops

Comedy Improv Workshops

So pleased that there will be not one but two interactive Comedy Improv workshops at BerkoFest Book Festival led by Alison Goldie who is the author of The Improv Book: Improvisation for Comedy, Theatre, Education and Life (Oberon Books) and has been teaching improv for A Very Long Time to students of all ages and abilities.
Alison is offering two classes:
1]Comedy Improv for Kids 10.00 -10.50, Town Hall Sessions Room
Very fun games for young, lively humans aged 8 up. The opposite of the most boring class in school.
(Parents and carers are allowed to sit quietly and do crosswords on the side-lines).
2]Comedy Improv for Grown-Ups 12.00 – 12.50, Town Hall Sessions Room
A beginner’s level class for the sophisticated adult aged 15 up. A crash course in how to be more confident, take risks, enjoy team-work, tell stories and make characters. Also silly fun.
Full details
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